Group Overview

Prof Wenxin Wang’s research group is in the Charles Insititue of Dermatology at University College Dublin. Professor Wenxin Wang has been awarded significant funding from different sources, e.g. Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Health Research Board (HRB), Irish Research Council (IRC), Enterprise Ireland (EI) and the European Union (EU-FP7 & EU Horizon 2020) to support his research programs.
Posted on 10/01/2017

The research interests in our group are mainly focused on: 1) mechanistic understanding (including experiment, theoretical calculation and computer simulation) of reversible deactivation radical polymerization (RDRP); 2) kinetically controlled (co)polymerization of multivinyl monomers (MVMs); 3) structural design and biomedical application of knotted/cyclized and branched polymers in skin wound healing and tissue regeneration. Our clinical targets are gene therapy of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), diabetic foot repair, cartilage regeneration and neural degenerative diseases.
Posted on 10/01/2017Read more »

Principal Investigator: Wenxin Wang, BSc, MSc, Ph.D., FRSC, Professor and Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator in Biomedical Engineering (Skin Research and Wound Healing). Currently, Prof Wenxin Wang supervises 5 Postdoctoral researchers, 7 Ph.D students.
Posted on 10/01/2017Read more »
Facilities and Equipments

Prof Wang’s research group is part of the Charles Institute of Dermatology, School of Medicine, University College Dublin (UCD) that provides state of the art research facilities to support interdisciplinary research activities. Examples of the facilities and equipments available in UCD include: GPC, NMR, DSC, TEM, SEM, AFM, FTIR, RAMAN, MALDI-TOF, EDX, EDAX, Confocal microscopy, Fluorescent Microscopy, Real Time PCR, Zeta potential, Nanodrop and plate reader.
Posted on 10/01/2017Read more »